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Lactose intolerant New Moon in Capricorn and his ship crew

As I'm writing this ( 2nd January 2022 at 14:25, Zagreb ) the Moon is at 9° and Sun at 12° Capricorn. The Sabian symbol for this degree of Moon is „An albatross feeding from the hand of a sailor“ the symbol that talks about kindness and trust between different ones.

We are at the shore of the sea opening, with Fixed star Nunki, known as the „Edict of the Sea“ at 12° Capricorn that sets the atmosphere of cold, salty air.

Astrologer Leo King writes about Nunki - Fixed star Nunki gives truthfulness, optimism, and a religious mind. According to Ptolemy, it is of the nature of Jupiter and Mercury (religious mind, thoughtful, philosophical, writer on religious or similar subjects.) The immense and inexorable power of the sea has always impressed humanity with a sense of the Divine power which alone can rule such a force, and the idea of the Divinity commanding it well suggested by both the ‘Edict’ title and the ‘God is speaking’ theme in Ptolemy’s planetary simile for this star

I hear waves crashing , the foam looks like children of Pricus the Sea goat, majestic, yet loosing their power exposed to the land. This New Moon is out of bounds – like Prometheus, going all out like a mad genius to bring something to evolve the society... And so our journey begins.

As I mentioned at the beginning of the New Moon talk - ( ) with astrologer Spencer Michaud ( ) this New Moon in Capricorn reminds me of epic stories on Jason and Argonauts, Odyssey or even Star Trek.

There is a „I don't need anyone, I can do this on my own!“ energy with this New Moon being determinant in Capricorn. Moon needs to nourish and to be nourished, he is the Mother, mothers milk, growth – Capricorn on the other hand is pillow made of stone, hustle, self sufficiency, isolation and need for structure rather than parents presence and fluffy blankets. Mothers milk and warm embrace have no place on this ship.

Jason and Argonauts (1963.)

New Moon , based on what Steven Forrest writes about ( ) represents the Teacher, or the Avatar that offers a different type of nourishment. When I sit with these symbols, what comes to mind is a discipline and guidance of a master, that guides us because „he's been there, done that“. He doesn't carry us, but walks beside us, letting us fall here and there, nudging us or asking mind boggling questions or giving us impossible tasks... This is a place where intuitive knowledge and practice come into union.

Before we can be the Captain of our ship, we need a really good crew. Sure the leader is the ONE, but this journey can't go smoothly without others. And so as the Moon hits the second decan of Capricorn (12°) the picture emerges – in 3 of Pentacles. This card represents Mars in Capricorn, when Ares leaves his weapons and goes to serve Demeter to plough the earth. Place where raw power is channelled into something concrete. This is the energy of true team mates, where different skills serve the same vision and ambition, place where magic comes to life and materializes.

So, on this day, as Jupiter and Neptune open the Abyss and the Sea in front of us – think about where do you want to go and why? Who do you want on this journey with you? Who are your team mates? Are capable to lead? Or are you more comfortable in the position of service? What are your values and what is your value?

Whatever your answers are, the ship is there, waiting - ready to take you into a new adventure of the year 2022.

More on fixed star Nunki -

Visit my dear friend Spencer Michaud and his amazing webinar course on Capricorn decans at -

If you want to book a Tarot reading with me, hit me up at (readings are donation based)

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